
How to brand your cloud kitchen the proper way…

Starting a cloud kitchen these days are not so tough but making it a recognizable brand is way too complicated.

People are always curious to make profits and often start a business thinking they can earn big profits by investing less money. Well, the bitter truth is no wealthy businessman out there have this mindset. The more you put in, the more you get in return. 

So this article is all about, how you can make your cloud kitchen brand stand out in this competitive market.

  1. Name 
  • Always keep your brand’s name simple and radio-friendly(easy to spell). This helps your brand get searched by people easily. Also when the brand’s name is not too complicated, people suggest it to others easily.

Ex: “South Express” and “El passado” both are two different brands. So, it’s very obvious that the first brand can be remembered as well as spelled by people easily. So, rather than searching for the second brand, people would go for the first one and it can also be easily referred to other people.

  • Your brand’s name should convey your niche. 

Ex: Behrouz Biriyani: From the name itself, one can know that its specialty is biriyani. 

Wow momo: It completely conveys that it deals with a variety of momos.

  • One word brand names are more appropriate and easily remembered by people. 

Ex: Faasos, Kebabsville, Wendy’s, McDonald’s.

  • Brand name should be protectable. 

Before registering your brand, it is always recommended to search it on the web whether it already exists. As you can’t duplicate a brand name, legal actions can be taken by the existing brand which in turn can trouble you a lot.

2. Logo

  • Should be simple and classy.
  • Should be readable.
  • Use a single color to design the entire logo(color theory can be referred according to niche).
  • Avoid using multi-design fonts in the logo.
  • Design a unique logo. Avoid copying.

Ex: McDonald’s

3. Packaging

  • Start thinking packaging as a way of marketing technique.
  • Invest more to get your food delivered to the customer in an attractive package. Often people keep packages that are unique and attractive and this can market your brand.

Suppose, your brand is providing a unique bowl packaging, your brand name is present on the box, the box is attractive and the customer keeps it with him. Now, when someone visits their house and they see something this unique, they would definitely be interested in knowing where had they got it from. Here, marketing of your brand is being done.

  • Provide different packaging for different food items. 

Ex: Faasos

4. Social Media 

  • Create your brand’s page on various social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, etc
  • Grow your brand on social media platforms by posting unique content and testimonials.

These help in audience engagement. More audience = More brand value

5. Website

  • Having a personal website helps people know more about your brand.
  • Also, the personal website helps in marketing. Customers can easily refer others to visit your website and order food.
  • It also helps you get more sales.

Ex: Behrouz Biriyani

I hope this article helped you in getting clarity on how to do proper branding of your cloud kitchen. Follow these steps and start setting up your first ever cloud kitchen brand as soon as possible. If the blog is worth enough to read, then do give a thumbs up and share it with your mates. And do comment below your feedback!

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