-How-To-Tie Up-Your-Cloud-Kitchen-With-Food-Aggregators-Abhinav-Saxena

How To Tie Up Your Cloud Kitchen With Food Aggregators?

In India, two well-known food aggregators are currently in the game and those are Zomato and Swiggy. 

Zomato started in 2008 and from then it has marked its spot in the market. Zomato is present in over 10,000 cities across the globe with over 1.4m active restaurants on our platform. So, trusting a food delivery partner of such a kind is easy. 

Zomato charges a commission of 17%-26% on all orders placed through Zomato. In order to be consistently at the top of the search, you can do advertisements on Zomato platforms.

The most important documents required to tie up with food aggregators are –

  1. PAN card details 
  2. GST details
  3. FSSAI license 
  4. GST number
  5. Permanent address 

Cloud kitchen owners can tie up their kitchen with Zomato by following the steps below –

  1. Visit Zomato.com and scroll down till the end of the page. At the footer, you will find a tag called “Add a restaurant”. 
  2. After clicking on that, a form will appear asking for the basic details. Fill it up.
  3. Once all the details have been filled in by you, click on the “Add restaurant” button.
  4. These are some of the basic details asked by them in the form.

           a) Restaurant name

           b) State/City

           c) Contact details

           d) Owner details

           e) Restaurant status 

           f) Type of cuisine

          g) Operational timings

          h) Restaurant personal credentials(website link, email id, contact details)

          I) Mode of payments

5. Your kitchen listing is now completed.

6. A Zomato sales representative will contact you to verify all your documents before making your kitchen live in Zomato.

Swiggy is India’s largest and highest-valued online food ordering and delivery platform. It was started in 2014 and has been a great competitor to other food aggregators such as Zomato. Swiggy has a presence in over 500 cities, and 140,000 restaurants on its platform, and 2.1 lakh active delivery partners.

Swiggy charges a commission of 18%-23% on all orders placed through Swiggy. It also provides restaurant owners the platform to advertise their restaurant and be on top of the user’s search list.

Cloud kitchen owners can tie-up their kitchen with Swiggy by following the steps below.

  1. Visit Swiggy.com and scroll down to the footer of the page and click on the option of “Partner with Us”.
  2. A form will appear on the screen after clicking the option. Fill in the details appropriately.
  3. The questions asked would be very basic. It includes –

           a) Name of your restaurant/cloud kitchen

           b) State

           c) Pincode

           d) Owner details

           e) Contact details

4. Once the filling process is completed, click on the submit button.

5. Documents regarding your restaurant/cloud kitchen will be asked in the next step.

  • Soft copies of FSSAI, GST, and Trade license should be attached.
  • You would require pictures of your restaurant/cloud kitchen. Pictures of the kitchen, dining, and packaging examples should be there in jpeg format.
  • Additional information such as website link(if any), type of cuisine, mode of payments, restaurant details is asked to fill up.

6. Some original copies are also required to partner with Swiggy.

a) Menu

b) Cancelled cheque or passbook

c) Takeaway bill

7. A Swiggy sales representative will contact you to verify all your documents before making your kitchen live in Swiggy. Your kitchen would go live within approximately 15 days of registration.

8. After completing all these processes, a confirmation from Swiggy will be received by you. Once the confirmation is received, your kitchen is live. You can start accepting orders now!

I hope this article will help you in partnering your restaurant/cloud kitchen with food aggregators such as Zomato and Swiggy. If the blog is worth enough to read, then do give a thumbs up and share it with your mates. And do comment below your feedback!

Thank you!

cloud kitchen vs restaurants

Cloud Kitchen vs Restaurant/Cafe

The Cloud kitchen model has been the most preferable model for most food business owners these days. Rather than spending hefty amounts on fancy interiors and decoration in restaurants, it has become easy for them to open a cloud kitchen that requires none of these.

After this pandemic, the restaurant industry has faced a huge loss as people are now more concerned about their safety and hygiene. So, most restaurant and cafe owners are now shifting towards the cloud kitchen model. It has become feasible and an efficient option for them.

When you differentiate cloud kitchens from restaurants or cafes, there are some major factors that make the cloud kitchen a better and profitable model.

At the end of this article, you can easily decide which model is the best to start with and also how cloud kitchens stand out from a restaurant in various aspects.

1. Investment

In cloud kitchen, 

  • Low initial investment (Renting out a big space is not required. The minimum area required is 200-300 sq ft)
  • Low operational cost (Minimal Staff requirement)
  • Designing of interior and exterior costs neglected.
  • Only equipment maintenance is required.

In restaurants,

  • High initial investment (Renting of big space is required. Minimum space required is 550-750 sqft)
  • High operational cost (Have to hire staff for the management of restaurant)
  • The design of the interior and exterior is high.     
  • Have to spend on additional charges such as ac maintenance, security guard, etc.

2. Location

In cloud kitchen,

  • Can be located anywhere(backside of apartment, individual residential property)
  • Doesn’t require much space to set up
  • Can be operated from your own residence.

In restaurants,

  • Have to be located in a good locality/central market
  • Requires large space to set up
  • Can’t be operated from own residence

3. Staff

In cloud kitchen,   

  • Minimal staff is required
  • 1 or 2 chefs is enough to run the kitchen
  • No additional cost is required for hiring waiters, managers, etc.

In restaurants,

  • Having more staff is compulsory for the smooth running of the restaurant.        
  • More chefs are required for serving people faster
  • Additional costs are required for hiring waiters, managers, etc.

4. Scalability

In cloud kitchen,

  • Can be expanded easily
  • Franchises can be taken in a lower value
  • Can grow their kitchen at low cost

In restaurants,

  • Requires large investment for expansion.
  •  Franchises of dine-in restaurants are higher
  • Requires proper location, planning, staff to expand

5. Multiple Brands Under The Same Roof

In cloud kitchen,   

  • Can open multiple brands under the same roof
  • Do not require various kitchens to operate separately
  • Same chefs can prepare recipes for all the brands

In restaurants,

  • Can’t have multiple brands under the same roof
  • Requires separate kitchens to operate for multiple brands
  • More chefs, staffs, are required to handle the restaurant

6. Higher Profit

In cloud kitchen,

  • Can save on high rental costs
  • Can save on additional labour costs
  • Can save on maintenance charges, staff salaries, decoration expenses

In restaurants,

  • Can’t save on high rental costs
  • Can’t save on additional labour costs 
  • Have to bear the expenditure of the staffs, maintenance charge, high electricity bills, etc.
  • This lowers the profit margin when compared with cloud kitchen

I hope this article gives clarity on how cloud kitchens and restaurants are different from each other in various aspects. These factors differentiate that the cloud kitchen model is more profitable than starting any restaurant or cafe. 

Thank you!