The Importance of customer feedback for your cloud kitchen

Always the mindset of a businessman is to reach their customer’s demands. The first and foremost priority is customer satisfaction. You always put in your best to serve your customer the best way possible but you never know whether the customer really liked it or not. So, collecting customer feedback helps a business know the areas where it is good at and also the faults which have to be neglected or improved.

Sometimes, being a cloud kitchen owner, maybe you have served some exotic new dish to a customer, but the customer didn’t like that flavor. So, in order to know what was wrong with it, customer feedback is much necessary. 

Also, taking customer feedback shows how much you care about your customer satisfaction and this can really impress your customers, they can be one of your loyal customers in the future. 

Here are some advantages of collecting customer feedback –

Customer Retention

Collecting feedback from your customer eventually leads you to improve on areas where your kitchen lack behind. So, working on those faults and getting better each day would definitely raise the standards of your cloud kitchen. A customer always desires to get the best food served and if you consistently fulfill their desire, they are not going anywhere. You have earned a loyal customer for your cloud kitchen.

Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is the first priority of a cloud kitchen. So, how do you know whether the customers you are serving are happy with your service or not? This is where customer feedback helps your cloud kitchen by letting you know the customer’s experience. There is always a bond between your service and your customer which has to be constantly maintained at the top in order to satisfy your customers. 

Improves Recipe

When trying out new recipes or introducing a different cuisine food, a cloud kitchen’s owner is always worried about whether the recipe will do good or not. This is completely decided by the customers. So, let them taste your new recipes and collect feedback on the same, this will help you analyze which of the recipes are working well and which one is to be improved. The opinions of customers on recipes work out very well and thus help you to sort your dishes accordingly by neglecting the ones not performing well.

Customer Experience

Providing the best customer experience has to be one of the major priorities of being a cloud kitchen owner. A happy customer will always give you more customers in return. Always focus on serving your customers in the best way possible. Customer experience can be enhanced by valuing their opinions. Customer Experience is like a first impression that lasts long and to make it the best, you are responsible. Collecting feedback would help your cloud kitchen fix the areas where it needs improvement so that the upcoming customers won’t experience the same. 

These are some of the most important features of collecting feedback from your customers. Having a happy and satisfied customer is all a business owner wants at the end of the day, so start collecting customer feedback from now and be on top of your customer’s wishlist whenever they want to have good food.

How to get funding for cloud kitchen?

Many people out there dream of starting their own cloud kitchen but step back due to low financial conditions. Not having enough revenue to invest in order to start their kitchen business shatters their dream. 

This article helps you to understand where you can get funding or financial help to get started with your cloud kitchen business.

To qualify to get funded by any external means you should have –

  • a proper concept for your cloud kitchen
  • a nice location 
  • blueprint of setting up your kitchen
  • confidence for various interviews and pitch decks
  1. Online lenders

Online lending is any kind of loan that’s not directly from a traditional bank. Online lenders offer loans faster than banks. They don’t demand much collateral. And when compared with banks, online lenders’ approval rate for funding is much higher.

For Example, Lending room, Lightstream, etc.

      2. Family and friends 

Borrowing loan from family and friends is a lot easier than going to any traditional bank or money lender. It’s always the best option to take help from your family as they know clearly whom they are funding and what’s the status of your business. 

Your family and friends may allow you to pay a bit later when your business is not doing good and also are more easily convinced than any bank or investor. They would comparatively charge a lower interest amount than banks. Always remain transparent to the one from whom you are lending money to avoid any damage to your relationship.

      3. Banks

Banks are also one of the ways to get funding for your cloud kitchen business but they demand cash flow before agreeing to lend you the loan. Also, the interest rates are higher in banks when compared with other modes of lending money. 

You can get a loan from the bank without cashflow, if:

  • A large amount of collateral is given.
  • A large amount of downpayment is paid.
  • A perfect prediction score is given.

4. Investors

Most of the time investors become shareholders. They don’t help you run your business but ask for a share in the profit gained. A real investor always gets more passionate about your business in order to scale it up high and get more returns than invested. 

If an investor observes potential in your business, they are likely to invest a hefty amount in your business. 

What are the requirements to get funded by an investor?

  • your cloud kitchen concept should be unique and different from others.
  • should be scalable and franchisable 
  • should be profitable

What do investors see in the promoter before funding them?

  • the promoter should be good and confident in his business plan.
  • he should have long-term thinking to scale up his brand

I hope this article will help you with where your cloud kitchen can get funded if there is any need for financial help. If the blog is worth enough to read, then do give a thumbs up and share it with your mates. And do comment below your feedback!

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