The Importance of customer feedback for your cloud kitchen

Always the mindset of a businessman is to reach their customer’s demands. The first and foremost priority is customer satisfaction. You always put in your best to serve your customer the best way possible but you never know whether the customer really liked it or not. So, collecting customer feedback helps a business know the areas where it is good at and also the faults which have to be neglected or improved.

Sometimes, being a cloud kitchen owner, maybe you have served some exotic new dish to a customer, but the customer didn’t like that flavor. So, in order to know what was wrong with it, customer feedback is much necessary. 

Also, taking customer feedback shows how much you care about your customer satisfaction and this can really impress your customers, they can be one of your loyal customers in the future. 

Here are some advantages of collecting customer feedback –

Customer Retention

Collecting feedback from your customer eventually leads you to improve on areas where your kitchen lack behind. So, working on those faults and getting better each day would definitely raise the standards of your cloud kitchen. A customer always desires to get the best food served and if you consistently fulfill their desire, they are not going anywhere. You have earned a loyal customer for your cloud kitchen.

Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is the first priority of a cloud kitchen. So, how do you know whether the customers you are serving are happy with your service or not? This is where customer feedback helps your cloud kitchen by letting you know the customer’s experience. There is always a bond between your service and your customer which has to be constantly maintained at the top in order to satisfy your customers. 

Improves Recipe

When trying out new recipes or introducing a different cuisine food, a cloud kitchen’s owner is always worried about whether the recipe will do good or not. This is completely decided by the customers. So, let them taste your new recipes and collect feedback on the same, this will help you analyze which of the recipes are working well and which one is to be improved. The opinions of customers on recipes work out very well and thus help you to sort your dishes accordingly by neglecting the ones not performing well.

Customer Experience

Providing the best customer experience has to be one of the major priorities of being a cloud kitchen owner. A happy customer will always give you more customers in return. Always focus on serving your customers in the best way possible. Customer experience can be enhanced by valuing their opinions. Customer Experience is like a first impression that lasts long and to make it the best, you are responsible. Collecting feedback would help your cloud kitchen fix the areas where it needs improvement so that the upcoming customers won’t experience the same. 

These are some of the most important features of collecting feedback from your customers. Having a happy and satisfied customer is all a business owner wants at the end of the day, so start collecting customer feedback from now and be on top of your customer’s wishlist whenever they want to have good food.

How to get funding for cloud kitchen?

Many people out there dream of starting their own cloud kitchen but step back due to low financial conditions. Not having enough revenue to invest in order to start their kitchen business shatters their dream. 

This article helps you to understand where you can get funding or financial help to get started with your cloud kitchen business.

To qualify to get funded by any external means you should have –

  • a proper concept for your cloud kitchen
  • a nice location 
  • blueprint of setting up your kitchen
  • confidence for various interviews and pitch decks
  1. Online lenders

Online lending is any kind of loan that’s not directly from a traditional bank. Online lenders offer loans faster than banks. They don’t demand much collateral. And when compared with banks, online lenders’ approval rate for funding is much higher.

For Example, Lending room, Lightstream, etc.

      2. Family and friends 

Borrowing loan from family and friends is a lot easier than going to any traditional bank or money lender. It’s always the best option to take help from your family as they know clearly whom they are funding and what’s the status of your business. 

Your family and friends may allow you to pay a bit later when your business is not doing good and also are more easily convinced than any bank or investor. They would comparatively charge a lower interest amount than banks. Always remain transparent to the one from whom you are lending money to avoid any damage to your relationship.

      3. Banks

Banks are also one of the ways to get funding for your cloud kitchen business but they demand cash flow before agreeing to lend you the loan. Also, the interest rates are higher in banks when compared with other modes of lending money. 

You can get a loan from the bank without cashflow, if:

  • A large amount of collateral is given.
  • A large amount of downpayment is paid.
  • A perfect prediction score is given.

4. Investors

Most of the time investors become shareholders. They don’t help you run your business but ask for a share in the profit gained. A real investor always gets more passionate about your business in order to scale it up high and get more returns than invested. 

If an investor observes potential in your business, they are likely to invest a hefty amount in your business. 

What are the requirements to get funded by an investor?

  • your cloud kitchen concept should be unique and different from others.
  • should be scalable and franchisable 
  • should be profitable

What do investors see in the promoter before funding them?

  • the promoter should be good and confident in his business plan.
  • he should have long-term thinking to scale up his brand

I hope this article will help you with where your cloud kitchen can get funded if there is any need for financial help. If the blog is worth enough to read, then do give a thumbs up and share it with your mates. And do comment below your feedback!

Thank you!

How To Scale Up Your Cloud Kitchen Business?

The new normal for the Food and Beverage Industry is the cloud kitchen model. Although they don’t have their outlets unlike restaurants, still is growing very fast. It is expected, the cloud kitchen market will reach almost USD 2.63 Billion by 2026. This revolutionary model has come to trend and is set to take over dine-in restaurant business models in the near future. 

This model is chosen by many Foodpreneurs these days because of its several benefits such as low initial investment, efficient model, profitability, ease of growth, etc. Moreover, when compared with Quick Service Restaurant and Cafeteria business models, this offers a lot more customers even if they don’t have a storefront.

Here are some strategies using which you can expand your cloud kitchen business successfully –

Multi-brand model

The Cloud kitchen model provides the freedom of having multiple brands operating from a single kitchen under one roof. This helps the owner to start multiple brands with the same equipment, same staff, same rent, and serve different cuisines under different brand names. 

This model helps the cloud kitchen grow faster as people won’t know that this is being prepared from a single kitchen. So, ultimately, when they start placing orders for different cuisine foods from your brands frequently, you can scale up your brands faster.

For example, Rebel Foods is the parent company for all these brands.

Single niche 

Big brands always aim at their expertise. Aiming for a single niche and focussing on that completely would give results faster and help the business model stand out from the rest. 

Being a cloud kitchen owner, focus on a single cuisine, may it be only wraps, tandoor items, biriyani, or pizzas. Being specific will obviously save you a lot of money on groceries and equipment as well as can grow faster in the market when compared to a cloud kitchen serving multiple cuisines. People would choose you more often because they know you are serving that single thing which you have your expertise on.

Choosing your customer

Targeting your customer base before starting a cloud kitchen is very important. If you don’t know whom you will be serving the food for, you won’t get a loyal customer base. Choosing your customer is like choosing a category of people, such as students, working professionals, families, hostels, etc.

When you have your target customer set, it is easy for you to scale your business faster. Because you already know whom you are serving your food, so you will target the locations accordingly, which in turn would save you a lot of time and money by not experimenting on serving in different locations. 

Targeting customers also helps your cloud kitchen gain loyal customers who would give you frequent orders. Creating a loyal customer base should be one of the first priorities when starting your cloud kitchen. This is a great technique to grow your cloud kitchen business.

Effective Marketing

Marketing is the key factor in growing your business. Targeting the right customers, attracting new customers, everything depends on how you market your brand. If you are saving money on marketing your brand, then you won’t be able to grow your business faster because you are not reaching out to enough people. And if people don’t know your brand, why would they show interest in that.

Running effective advertisements on various social media platforms, choosing the right customers through creative content marketing, having the right website or app where people can know about you would help your customers gain trust for your brand.

These strategies are already used by big brands to grow their businesses. Start implementing these steps from now and build a reliable and successful brand of your cloud kitchen. 


The Ultimate Guide To Retaining Your Existing Customers

Most of the restaurant and cloud kitchen owners do not put their effort into retaining their existing customers. Retaining existing customers benefits you the most in several ways. They get you more customers, they order from you frequently, they help promote your brand, etc. 

Always focussing on earning profits won’t make a brand grow. In order to franchise your brand, you have to make your brand big and to do so various strategic techniques are required. Retaining existing customers is one of them. Building long-term relationships with your customers will make them loyal to you. 

This article includes some major points on how you can retain your old customers and help your brand grow as well as earn profits.

Loyalty Reward

As they have now become part of your loyal family, start making them feel royal. Every customer gets overwhelmed when they get specially treated by a brand they adore.

  • Serve them with unique dishes that are not included in the menu. 
  • Offer them crazy deals and discounts on weekend orders.
  • Provide free delivery twice if they order more than 5 times in a month.

These things will encourage them to order from you frequently and they will engage and involve themselves more when it comes to your brand. Also, don’t be a stick magnet, this can irritate a customer. Be consistent to interact, this will attract them to you.

Social Media Engagement

In this digital era, there’s no better way than creating engagement with your customers through various social media platforms. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, all these platforms help you to reach your customer and make them involved in your virtual events. 

Create virtual content from your kitchen like images of your dishes, videos of preparation of those dishes, videos of safety measures being taken to maintain a hygiene environment within the kitchen, new dishes announcements, weekend contests, etc. Post content frequently and mark a place in your customer’s mind. Reply to the comments of your customers, and tag their feedbacks in Instagram stories.


Customers vary from age to age. The 20th century is addicted to social media but what about 90s people? Aren’t they customers too? How will they get updates on special deals from your kitchen?

SMS is the source that can be used to reach those customers. And also they are very attentive when the notification tone rings up in their phone. So, Send all your deals, offers, event updates through SMS to them and make them be your loyal customer.

Track Feedbacks

Customer feedback should be tracked thoroughly. Feedbacks act like gold in your services. Start requesting your customer to give feedback on your food, on google, on your Instagram, and Facebook posts. Feedbacks also help in a high rating of your restaurant or cloud kitchen which in turn can attract more customers.

Feedbacks also help you to improve your services where the customers think you lag behind. Listening to your customer should be your biggest part of being an owner of a brand. You can make them fill a form digitally through SMS asking for feedback. 

Customer Service

Treating and serving your customers with utmost happiness will lead you to their hearts. Food is something that either makes a person happy or turns him off. So, serving the best quality food with proper hygiene and manners would impress a customer to a high extent. 

Serving food fast with less waiting duration, and responding politely to all of their feedback results in customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction means the best service is provided to the customer.

While it is important to acquire new customers too, retaining your current customers is an easy and smart option. Try focussing more on your existing customer, they will give you new customers regularly. I hope this article will help you with how you can make your existing customers order from you again and again.

Thank you!

How To Increase Visibility On Zomato/Swiggy?

Most people tie-up their cloud kitchen with the food aggregators in order to boost their sales up by getting visible on Zomato and Swiggy. Yes, it is true.

But do you know how to consistently be visible on the Zomato top kitchen list?

Here are some tips to increase your visibility on such platforms…

1. Advertisements
  • You can use the food aggregators platform to advertise your cloud kitchen.
  • Zomato/Swiggy showcase these kitchens at the top and recommend users to buy from them. Often when people are searching for a particular cuisine and your ad pops up fulfilling their demand would help you make a sale right away.
  • Try to position your ads carefully by taking the help of professionals.

2. Food delivery
  • The faster the delivery, the higher the visibility.
  • Delivery time is also displayed under each kitchen to aware the customer of the duration it takes to prepare and deliver them. This also helps in increasing the possibility for a kitchen to stay on top as people always like to buy from them who delivers them in less time.

3. Discounts/Schemes
  • Offer special discounts on weekends to rank higher.
  • Discounts such as 30% off on orders above 299/- or claim your free dish on a cart price of 350/- These kinds of offers attracts a customer to buy from your kitchen and at the same time you can benefit by selling more to a customer as well as being top in the listing on Swiggy/Zomato.

  • Also apart from special deals and discounts, you can participate in various schemes which are introduced from these platforms. This can also help you stay under specific scheme categories and gain more visibility.

4. Description
  • Sometimes a description of the food item creates a difference. 
  • Having a good description of the food item helps the people understand what they are going to get served. 
  • It also helps them gain clarity and trust to buy from you which in turn helps you make a sale. The more you gain orders, the more attention you will get from Zomato and Swiggy. This also helps you to increase your visibility.

5. Reviews/Ratings
  • By serving your customers good quality food, you can gain good ratings. The higher rating kitchens are displayed on top.
  • Also, reviews from customers help your kitchen to show up on top. So, try to impress your customers with good food and gain as many reviews as possible.
  • To get good reviews, focus on the taste of your food and the packaging of your food.

I hope this article will help you to make your kitchen visible on top of Zomato and Swiggy. If the blog is worth enough to read, then do give a thumbs up and share it with your mates. And do comment below your feedback!

Thank you!

-How-To-Tie Up-Your-Cloud-Kitchen-With-Food-Aggregators-Abhinav-Saxena

How To Tie Up Your Cloud Kitchen With Food Aggregators?

In India, two well-known food aggregators are currently in the game and those are Zomato and Swiggy. 

Zomato started in 2008 and from then it has marked its spot in the market. Zomato is present in over 10,000 cities across the globe with over 1.4m active restaurants on our platform. So, trusting a food delivery partner of such a kind is easy. 

Zomato charges a commission of 17%-26% on all orders placed through Zomato. In order to be consistently at the top of the search, you can do advertisements on Zomato platforms.

The most important documents required to tie up with food aggregators are –

  1. PAN card details 
  2. GST details
  3. FSSAI license 
  4. GST number
  5. Permanent address 

Cloud kitchen owners can tie up their kitchen with Zomato by following the steps below –

  1. Visit and scroll down till the end of the page. At the footer, you will find a tag called “Add a restaurant”. 
  2. After clicking on that, a form will appear asking for the basic details. Fill it up.
  3. Once all the details have been filled in by you, click on the “Add restaurant” button.
  4. These are some of the basic details asked by them in the form.

           a) Restaurant name

           b) State/City

           c) Contact details

           d) Owner details

           e) Restaurant status 

           f) Type of cuisine

          g) Operational timings

          h) Restaurant personal credentials(website link, email id, contact details)

          I) Mode of payments

5. Your kitchen listing is now completed.

6. A Zomato sales representative will contact you to verify all your documents before making your kitchen live in Zomato.

Swiggy is India’s largest and highest-valued online food ordering and delivery platform. It was started in 2014 and has been a great competitor to other food aggregators such as Zomato. Swiggy has a presence in over 500 cities, and 140,000 restaurants on its platform, and 2.1 lakh active delivery partners.

Swiggy charges a commission of 18%-23% on all orders placed through Swiggy. It also provides restaurant owners the platform to advertise their restaurant and be on top of the user’s search list.

Cloud kitchen owners can tie-up their kitchen with Swiggy by following the steps below.

  1. Visit and scroll down to the footer of the page and click on the option of “Partner with Us”.
  2. A form will appear on the screen after clicking the option. Fill in the details appropriately.
  3. The questions asked would be very basic. It includes –

           a) Name of your restaurant/cloud kitchen

           b) State

           c) Pincode

           d) Owner details

           e) Contact details

4. Once the filling process is completed, click on the submit button.

5. Documents regarding your restaurant/cloud kitchen will be asked in the next step.

  • Soft copies of FSSAI, GST, and Trade license should be attached.
  • You would require pictures of your restaurant/cloud kitchen. Pictures of the kitchen, dining, and packaging examples should be there in jpeg format.
  • Additional information such as website link(if any), type of cuisine, mode of payments, restaurant details is asked to fill up.

6. Some original copies are also required to partner with Swiggy.

a) Menu

b) Cancelled cheque or passbook

c) Takeaway bill

7. A Swiggy sales representative will contact you to verify all your documents before making your kitchen live in Swiggy. Your kitchen would go live within approximately 15 days of registration.

8. After completing all these processes, a confirmation from Swiggy will be received by you. Once the confirmation is received, your kitchen is live. You can start accepting orders now!

I hope this article will help you in partnering your restaurant/cloud kitchen with food aggregators such as Zomato and Swiggy. If the blog is worth enough to read, then do give a thumbs up and share it with your mates. And do comment below your feedback!

Thank you!

cloud kitchen profitable business

Is Cloud Kitchen Profitable In India?

For the past two years, if we see the records of the Food and Beverage industry, it is not that good. Restaurants, cafeterias, bakery shops, everything has come to standstill as people in this era live in this digital world where they want everything at their doorstep. 

Cloud kitchen is a means of the kitchen where people do not have to visit the place to have their food. Cloud kitchens are fast becoming the go-to business model for many food businesses. They can simply order and enjoy it in their homes.

Now, which seemed better? Going to a restaurant, burning petrol, wasting time on traffic, and paying extra service tax or order from home and sit back and relax?

So, the answer to whether it is profitable in India is a definite YES!

Over the years, cloud kitchens have emerged as the popular investment choice for both established as well as new restaurateurs for opening a food business. Starting from restaurant owners, caterers, bakery shop owners, everyone is shifting their businesses to cloud kitchens.

What are the reasons that make it profitable?

a. Efficient

  • Can change location whenever you want

Being a ghost kitchen, none of your customers neither visits your kitchen nor see your kitchen. So, if you are having some trouble in the existing place and want to shift it to the next street, you can do that easily. 

  • Investment is low

Investment in interiors, furniture, decorations, managers, staff, security, big space for dine-in, high-end equipment can be saved when starting a cloud kitchen.

 A minimum of 180sqft to 350sqft is required to start a cloud kitchen with one chef and one assistant and no fancy interiors or furniture. So, the investment for starting a cloud kitchen is less.

  • Flexible timings 

For a cloud kitchen, there’s no specific timing to be followed. Unlike restaurants, which have their time limit to get closed by 12 am, cloud kitchens can run up to 2 am late.

b. Starting of multiple brands

Under the same roof, more than one cloud kitchen brand can be operated. As none of your customers visits your kitchen, they are also not aware of two different brands serving them food from the same cloud kitchen. One highly skilled chef can prepare at least two different cuisines and each cuisine food can be considered as one brand. 

For Example, Rebel foods being the parent company of Faasos, lunch box, sweet truth, etc operates all these brands from the same cloud kitchen. 

c. Better profit margin

Compared to restaurants, cloud kitchens tend to earn more margin as various additional costs such as interior designing, waiters, managers, high electricity bills, is saved. As the operational cost is reduced, direct profit is earned except for the essentials. 

The higher rent can be saved that is required for a restaurant to accommodate many people for the dine-in purposes.

d. Menu and pricing experimentation

Cloud kitchens can experiment with new dishes at times by introducing those items as special deals. Also, existing items can be discontinued from the menu when it is not being ordered by people. 

Similarly, the pricing of certain dishes that are frequently ordered can be increased to make more margins. The less selling dishes can be priced low or can be served as combos with high-priced dishes.

e. Market opportunity

An avg person orders food online 3–4 times a week. The online food delivery industry is booming in this generation. Cloud kitchens are said to grow 5 times in these 5 years by researchers. The home delivery option has gained a lot of momentum than dine out restaurants.

Cloud kitchens have a better future as compared to restaurants, cafeterias, and bakery shops. People can start their cloud kitchens with the less initial investment and even from their homes, unlike restaurants.

I hope this article will help you in understanding the practical reasons how cloud kitchens are considered as profitable in India. If the blog is worth enough to read, then do give a thumbs up and share it with your mates. And do comment below your feedback!


Why invest in a Cloud kitchen in 2020?

Wondering to invest in cloud kitchen? But not sure whether it’s a good idea?

Let me tell you how cloud kitchens are going to grow in the next 5 years. It would take 10 mins of yours to decide whether investing in cloud kitchens in 2020 is a good idea or not.

Considering the current scenario of the food and beverage industry and specifically the online food service, cloud kitchens have taken all the attention and increased the value for the online food ordering process. It has been one of the profitable food businesses for people having low funds. It is a less risky, high-demand food business in this 2020 era. 

In 2020, the pandemic has devastated many industries, including restaurants and cafes. Business owners of these sectors are now converting their restaurants into cloud kitchens. After this pandemic, people are most concerned about safety and hygiene. Cloud kitchen offers them their desired food on their doorsteps. 

Also, in this advanced technological generation, people like everything to be on their doorstep without them putting any effort. So, investing in a cloud kitchen can be a great option during this time.

Some best reasons to invest in a cloud kitchen in 2020 –

Low Investment

Unlike restaurants, you don’t require a large space or fancy locality to open your cloud kitchen. It can be opened even on the backside of your apartment or a small space near your garage. Cloud kitchen has virtual customers whom they serve via online food delivering service or food aggregators. So, no need to have attractive interiors with shiny furniture. Cloud kitchens only require a skilled chef and a manager. As dine-in services are not there, so no need to hire staff for food serving purposes. 

Cloud kitchen can save up to 50% of the revenue one needs to open a restaurant or cafe. 

Safer Environment

After this pandemic, hygiene and safety are one’s most priority. Providing your customers a safer environment by running a cloud kitchen is easier than running a restaurant. Having fewer people in the kitchen makes the contact between each other minimal thus making the environment safe. This benefits both the staff and the customer from being in the possibility of any health hazard. 


Cloud kitchen offers you the freedom of running multiple brands from a single kitchen. In this case, you can easily scale your chains of brands. You don’t need to buy separate places to operate for different brands by paying hefty rental amounts, instead you can operate all your brands from a single location, single kitchen, and same staff saving a huge amount of money. 

Also, opening multiple brand outlets in various states and cities is easy because the investment will be the same as in the beginning. 


People these days are trusting the cloud kitchen models more than restaurants and cafes. Whether it is a restaurant owner having more than 10 years of experience or a beginner who wants to start a business in the food and beverage industry, the first option for them has become the Cloud kitchen model for its several benefits. 

This model offers easy operation, low expenses, and more efficiency. People trust this model because it assures the ROI faster than setting up any restaurant or cafe. 


While running a cloud kitchen, your costs get reduced to half when compared with running a restaurant or cafe. Low rent, fewer employees, low utility bills, and customer satisfaction make this a profitable model. 

These days, cloud kitchen is an on-demand business and if you build your brand properly, it can be franchisable. Franchises can make you earn good profits. 

If you are thinking of investing in a cloud kitchen in 2020, I would say this is one of the wisest decisions you have taken. Researchers say cloud kitchens will grow 5 times in the coming 5 years, so make your decision faster before any delays. I hope you liked the article and would start investing in cloud kitchens soon. 

Thank You!


Cloud kitchens and legal compliance

Before starting any kind of food business, the owner needs to issue some important licenses to run their businesses legally. These licenses certify their brands that they are obeying the rules and regulations imposed by various departments of Food security, government bodies, and police.

It is always recommended to issue the license before starting to run the kitchen in order to not pay any kind of penalty when the legal authorities do a check-up.


  1. It ensures the security of food products (It ensures the food delivered/served from a particular kitchen follows the guidelines of the food safety standards)
  2. It is mandatory to be issued to start any kind of food business.
  3. It has a tenure of 1–5 years and can be renewed.
  4. It consists of a unique 14-digit registration number.
  5. Can be applied by filling up the application through
  6. Documents required — Id Proof, Address Proof, Kitchen Layout plan, affidavit, NOC from the owner, Declaration of food safety management plan, List of food category.
  7. License registration fee — Rs. 100/-

Goods Service Tax(GST)

a. GST registration is mandatory for a cloud kitchen.

b. 5% is the GST charge for a food business.

c. It is issued on behalf of your brand.

d. It is applied by filling in necessary details in

e. Documents required — photo of the owner, ownership details(electricity bill, property tax receipt), copy of the rental agreement(if rented space), details of the bank

f. License registration fee — Free

Trade license

a. It helps in ensuring that no unethical business practices are being carried out and all the guidelines are being followed by the kitchen.

b. Govt. has made this license a necessity for all businesses.

c. Eligibility — the applicant should be above 18 years, no criminal records,

d. It takes 7–10 days for the license to get processed.

e. Validity — 1-year

f. The license can be applied by visiting the respective state’s municipal corporation website.

g. Documents required — Aadhar Card, Property Tax Payment Receipt, a letter from the owner of the property, Sanction(Rent agreement/NOC from landlord)

h. License registration fee — Rs. 5000/-

Fire & Safety License

  1. It is not mandatory for business but is recommended by the Fire and Safety Dept.
  2. It adheres that the kitchen is following the safety rules and regulations.
  3. Validity — 5 years
  4. Can be issued from the fire station or department of a particular state.
  5. Documents required — Copy of site plan, site agreement, and license(if any)
  6. License registration fee — Free

Shop Establishment Act

  1. To run a food business in India, one must register its kitchen under this act.
  2. Registration should be done within 30 days from the business initiation.
  3. License varies from city to city.
  4. Can be applied in
  5. Documents required — Pan card, Aadhar card, address proof, details of employees.
  6. Validity — 5 year
  7. License registration fee — Rs. 2000/-

I hope this article helps you understand the legal compliances that need to be done before running a cloud kitchen. All the legalities can be done on under professionals.

Thank You!



Running a cloud kitchen successfully not only requires good branding, advanced equipment, high skilled chefs, or high investment. It also depends on how the menu is designed, how the prices are structured, the offers the kitchen is providing, everything is essential.

Pricing is a crucial part and most food business owners don’t focus on this much. There’s a pricing science that is applied while setting price tags on each and every item served by your cloud kitchen.

In this article, all the pricing hacks that are used for setting a good price tag for your food items are explained. 

1: Have the first option with a high price (to be used for food aggregator)

  • Always set a high price in the starting by default as this gives the customer a reference point of the high number and this way he will be perceiving low prices items mentioned below as a good deal.

For Example, Faasos

2: Offer a decoy option

  • Have a bad option that none of them will want to buy but still keep it to make other options look good. 

For Example, McDonald’s

3: Display prices in small font size(website only)

  • Our brain perceives large font size as bigger and has more magnitude.
  • We should avoid fonts of a large magnitude but when offering a crazy deal or discount, we should write with a big font size in order to grab the attention of the customers.

For Example, Dominos 

4: Remove the comma

  • Researchers found that removing commas (e.g., $1,499 vs. $1499) can influence make your price seem lower.
  • Because when a comma is included, we will read 1,500 as one thousand five hundred but without a comma, we will read it as fifteen hundred. Less the number of words, the lessor the brain perceives.

For Example, Biriyani by kilo, Behrouz biriyani

5: Introduce features if you want to increase the price

  • If you want to increase the price of an object first increase the features or benefits then increase the price. Simply increasing the price can affect your sales as when a customer orders from you, the price of certain food items gets inherited in his mind. So, observing immediate changes can stop him from ordering from you.

For Example, if you want to increase the price of a chai, give an offer of biscuit/cookie along with the chai in the initial stage. Eventually, you can keep the price and stop giving free cookies with the chai.

6: Reduce the last digit by one while pricing

  • The last digit of a number decides the magnitude if the amount and when it gets reduced by one, researchers say it seems less to people. (even if the difference is 1 from the actual value, still the human brain perceives it as less amount)
  • A price tag of 2000/- may seem a lot but when having a price tag as 1999/- our brain perceives it as a lesser amount.

For Example, KFC, Dominos

7. Combo pricing to increase the ticket size

  • Many big brands use this hack to increase the overall expenditure of the customer while doing the billing. 
  • Once you choose the item, they will start asking you to add several more items to increase the ticket size. 

For Example, In McDonald’s, the staffs are so well trained that when you ask for any burger or any meal, they will keep on asking you to add fries, to add any shakes. This is done so that the ticket size per order gets increased.

I hope this article will help you to structure your pricing appropriately. If the blog is worth enough to read, then do give a thumbs up and share it with your mates. And do comment below your feedback!

Thank you!


How to market your Cloud Kitchen

Marketing of your brand plays a crucial role when it comes to scaling up your brand. Strategic marketing often results in growth for your business. If you successfully educate customers, keep them engaged, create a strong reputation in their minds, and smartly sell to them, your business will most likely do well.

Marketing adds value to your brand. So, choosing the correct marketing techniques often lead to building a strong brand.

Here are some of the best ways on how you can market your cloud kitchen to boost your sales.

Optimize your Website

Investing in building a good website helps attract more customers. (As most of the orders are received via the website or mobile app, it’s highly essential to build a good website)

  • One-pager website — (Single page, precise menu, feedback form, contact details, customer reviews)
  • SEO friendly — (Search Engine Optimization)

Building an SEO-friendly website helps the audience locate you easily on Google Search. Your website can show up whenever a keyword related to your niche is being searched in the Google search console.

  • Include Action buttons – (Order Now, Contact us)

Market on aggregator platforms

a) Paying aggregators to promote

  • Zomato
  • Swiggy

b) Using Aggregators as a marketing tool

Send pamphlets along with orders to attract customers for direct orders. Gather customer data, ask for feedback, send crazy offers to grab attention

For Example: Buy 1 Get 1, Crazy discount on items, 2+1 offers, etc

Online Advertising

  1. Facebook Ads
  • Running Facebook ads helps you to reach your exact targeted audience

(While starting the campaign, you can choose age, interests, and location of your audience)

2. Google Ads

  • Running Google ads improves the visibility of your brand when searched for similar keywords as your niche.

3. Online Customer Feedbacks

  • Try gathering positive referrals from various platforms.

(Facebook review, Google reviews, Instagram referrals, Website reviews)

  • Getting a good response of reviews can help your website rank higher in the google search visibility

Customer Retention

  • You can offer (loyalty rewards) to your old customers (discount on next order, special offer when buying for more than 300/- or you can include a free dessert with their next 2 orders)
  • Engage with them through Whatsapp, text messages, etc

Social media Presence

  • Build a strong brand presence using social media platforms. (Showcase pictures of your dishes, videos of preparation, hygiene regulations being followed)
  • Create engaging posts which attract the customer to order from you.

For Example: These kinds of posts help you to interact with the audience.

  • Greet your audience on every occasion. Remind them to order from you on special days.

These are some of the best techniques to market your cloud kitchen. I hope you liked this article, do follow, like, and share.

Thank you!


How to start your cloud kitchen from home?

Yes! you saw it right. It is definitely possible to start a cloud kitchen from home. 

People often don’t start their cloud kitchen thinking of the high rent they have to pay for the commercial spaces, but they are not aware of the fact that Cloud kitchen is a ghost kitchen that isn’t visible to your customers. So, whether you have it in a rented place or at home doesn’t really matter until the food served is of the best quality.

Reading this blog would help you know what are the things required to start your cloud kitchen from your home.

  1. Investment

The initial investment would be comparatively low when you start from home. You can save on high rents that you might have paid when starting from rental space. The existing equipment can be used for cooking, so no additional investment in buying equipment. The salary of a skilled chef can be neglected if you can cook yourself.

    2. License

There’s a misconception in people’s mind that it is not legal to start a cloud kitchen business from home. Is it so? Well, there are specific licenses to be issued by the owner that makes him/her legally run the cloud kitchen even from home. 

The licenses are FSSAI, Shop establishment act, and Trade License. Other than these, while starting a cloud kitchen from home you have to issue the Non-Objection Certificate(NOC) from both police and society. It ensures that all the guidelines of the society are being followed by the kitchen. 

    3. Equipment

While starting a cloud kitchen from home with low initial investment, try to design your menu based on the existing set of equipment. This helps to save a lot of money on buying new and expensive equipment.

For example, let’s say you have an oven, you can make your kitchen serve bakery items. Cakes, cookies, muffins, etc can be prepared using the oven. In this case, you don’t need to spend on additional equipment. 

     4. Staff 

Staff is mostly required when you rent a commercial space for your cloud kitchen. When starting from home, you can hire a helper or an assistant who can help you and a supervisor to handle the grocery stocks and accounts. If serving a premium dish that requires a skilled chef, you can hire one, or else you can serve people by cooking yourself.

   5. Marketing 

Marketing is moreover the same whether you start from home or commercial space. You can distribute flyers of your kitchen to nearby societies, distribute business cards to your neighbors, use social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook to target local customers. 

One best way of marketing is having good packaging for your food. It plays a major role in creating an impression from the customer’s end. Along with packaging, send appreciation notes with orders to gain customers’ interest.

   6. Food Aggregators

Food aggregators such as Zomato and Swiggy also lists home cloud kitchens. The procedure to get your kitchen listed is the same. You should focus more on direct orders rather than depending on food aggregators. They charge a hefty commission on every order, so why not go for direct orders and earn a good margin of profit? You can gain more direct orders by acquiring your customers’ information. You can create more engagement in your social media platforms by offering crazy discounts for the ones ordering directly from your kitchen. 

So, are you ready to start your cloud kitchen now? I hope this article gave you clarity on all the essentials required to start a cloud kitchen from home. If the blog is worth enough to read, then do give a thumbs up and share it with your mates. And do comment below your feedback!

Thank you!


The Beginners Guide on how to start a cloud kitchen

Well, if you are someone who is not from the food industry then I will say you have landed on the right page.
No matter whether you are a food expert or entrepreneur, after reading this I can assure you that you would be aware of the things that are all required to start a cloud kitchen.
Here it goes… complete blueprint on how to start a cloud kitchen!

What is a cloud kitchen?

It is basically a kitchen that is an online-based food delivery kitchen. Cloud kitchen has many different names such as ghost kitchen, back kitchen, dark kitchen and delivery-only restaurant. Unlike restaurants, cloud kitchens don’t require a place for dine-in, waiters or parking. They attract customers through online marketing and food aggregators such as Zomato and Swiggy. Cloud kitchen may also have their own delivery boys hired, to avoid the dependency on food aggregators and help their brand grow.

What are the essentials to start a cloud kitchen?

  1. Location
    The first and foremost essential is location. You first need to decide on a suitable location near to your targeted customers to achieve more sales. To start with 180 sqft to 250 sqft is good enough to start cloud kitchen. Cloud kitchen can be built even on the backside of your apartment or a bit inside from the central market. It doesn’t affect your sales as people recognize you through online portals and not by your exterior looks.

  2.  License
    Before setting up your cloud kitchen, some legalities have to be followed. These licenses provide the authenticity and certificate to operate your cloud kitchen legally.
    a. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI): This is a mandatory license for all the food businesses in India. It ensures the security of food that is being delivered by you to the customers is of good quality. It has a tenure of 1 to 5 years and can be renewed once expired. If you register it yourself, then the registration fee is Rs.100/-
    b. Goods and Service Tax (GST): This has also become a mandatory license for all businesses and is advisable to issue on behalf of the company’s name. It can be issued by filling up the necessary details present on The registration is completely free.
    c. Trade License: It helps in ensuring that no unethical business practices are being carried out and all the guidelines are being followed by the kitchen. The license can be applied by visiting the respective state’s municipal corporation website. It has a tenure of 1 year. The registration fee is Rs.5000/-

  3. Equipment
    Initially, you can either purchase the new equipment or buy used ones to save some money. To start with, you can start your home kitchen machines and utensils. You should have basic equipment such as grinders, oven, refrigerator etc to serve people fast and good quality food.

  4. Staff Management
    As this has no dine-in services, there is no need of hiring much staff. For a decent cloud kitchen, 2 to 3 members can easily manage the entire kitchen and at the same time, this would create a hassle-free environment for them to work in the kitchen. A skilled chef, an assistant chef, and a staff to manage the orders are enough to run a cloud kitchen.

  5. Partnering with food aggregators
    Since this is an online delivery oriented service, one of the most important requirement is to get your cloud kitchen listed in the food aggregators to get recognition in the market and get more orders. The food aggregators also recommend your kitchen to people when you serve good quality food and acquire good ratings from customers.

  6. Marketing Strategy
    People always invest more in setting up their businesses rather than investing in marketing their brand. Marketing is a crucial part to attract more customers and bring in more orders for your cloud kitchen. A good marketing strategy always helps customers buy from you at a single glance and also retains them to get more orders from them in the future. In marketing, it is believed that “The more you interact, the better will be your sales.” Building your online presence is one of the most important things, try to engage with people socially on various social media platforms.

I hope this helped you in getting clarity on steps to start a cloud kitchen. Follow these steps and start setting up your first ever cloud kitchen brand as soon as possible. Comment below what is your key take away?


How to design a sellable menu for your cloud kitchen?

Designing a menu for a specific niche or cuisine makes it more attractive and simple for people to understand.
Structure of the menu should be accurately designed by keeping the following points in mind.

No. of items

Do not include all kinds of cuisines in a single menu. This creates confusion for a customer looking to order from you.
Being specific to a single cuisine such as Chinese, Italian, Indian, Tandoor, etc helps people decide faster with limited items.
Keeping a vast variety of items also increases the net operating cost as one chef can’t manage to prepare all the cuisines and the cost of raw materials for so many items will increase.
For Example, Behrouz Biriyani: Comprises of only varieties of Biriyani

  1. Ease of preparation
    Having a limited item on your menu reduces the difficulties in preparation.
    More items = more raw materials = more equipment = multiple chef = more preparation time.
    For Example, Wow Momo dedicatedly provides a variety of momo recipes. Here the preparation for them is easy as they only have to make the steam momo and then according to their customer’s desire, they can pan fry it further, they can grill it, they can make a gravy item out of it. But the base item is momo.
  2. Combos
    Include combos in your menu to increase the overall ticket price. For a customer, ordering a combo of Noodles and Manchurian for 190/- is always better than only ordering Noodles for 150/- Here, your ticket price increased in the cart.
    Also, you can introduce combos for making people taste new items. You can try different combos and price it low so that people can order and taste the item and then once it is frequently ordered, you can make it a permanent item.
    For Example, Mcdonald’s (instead of going for a single burger and coke for more than 100/- the Big Mac Combo meal costs 159/-)
  3. Speed of making
    People always want their food to be delivered as soon as possible. So, the items which are taking more time for preparation can be eliminated from the menu.
    A Half-cook versions of some items can be kept so that during the preparation process, the time gets reduced.
    For Example, If your kitchen serves pasta, the pasta can be pre-boiled and kept so that whenever you get an order you can simply prepare the sauce and use the pre-boiled pasta. This helps you serve your customer with less time.
  4. Pricing
    Set your price tags according to the demand for that food item. Do market research on what your competitors have set, maybe if you sell the same while having a slightly lower price, people get attracted to you.
    Apply pricing science while setting price tags. Pricing science says always reduce the last digit of the amount by 1. For Example, 149/-, 99/-, the human brain perceives these amounts as low magnitude than price tags of 150/-, 100/-

I hope this helps you structure your menu appropriately and bring more sales to your cloud kitchen. If this is worth enough to read, then do give a thumbs up and share it with your mates.

Confused? Still, wondering how to make it attractive? Do join me in LIVE Cloud Kitchen Masterclass where I talk about it in detail about deciding the menu and How to launch Cloud Kitchen in the next 30 days.
Click here to register.


How to brand your cloud kitchen the proper way…

Starting a cloud kitchen these days are not so tough but making it a recognizable brand is way too complicated.

People are always curious to make profits and often start a business thinking they can earn big profits by investing less money. Well, the bitter truth is no wealthy businessman out there have this mindset. The more you put in, the more you get in return. 

So this article is all about, how you can make your cloud kitchen brand stand out in this competitive market.

  1. Name 
  • Always keep your brand’s name simple and radio-friendly(easy to spell). This helps your brand get searched by people easily. Also when the brand’s name is not too complicated, people suggest it to others easily.

Ex: “South Express” and “El passado” both are two different brands. So, it’s very obvious that the first brand can be remembered as well as spelled by people easily. So, rather than searching for the second brand, people would go for the first one and it can also be easily referred to other people.

  • Your brand’s name should convey your niche. 

Ex: Behrouz Biriyani: From the name itself, one can know that its specialty is biriyani. 

Wow momo: It completely conveys that it deals with a variety of momos.

  • One word brand names are more appropriate and easily remembered by people. 

Ex: Faasos, Kebabsville, Wendy’s, McDonald’s.

  • Brand name should be protectable. 

Before registering your brand, it is always recommended to search it on the web whether it already exists. As you can’t duplicate a brand name, legal actions can be taken by the existing brand which in turn can trouble you a lot.

2. Logo

  • Should be simple and classy.
  • Should be readable.
  • Use a single color to design the entire logo(color theory can be referred according to niche).
  • Avoid using multi-design fonts in the logo.
  • Design a unique logo. Avoid copying.

Ex: McDonald’s

3. Packaging

  • Start thinking packaging as a way of marketing technique.
  • Invest more to get your food delivered to the customer in an attractive package. Often people keep packages that are unique and attractive and this can market your brand.

Suppose, your brand is providing a unique bowl packaging, your brand name is present on the box, the box is attractive and the customer keeps it with him. Now, when someone visits their house and they see something this unique, they would definitely be interested in knowing where had they got it from. Here, marketing of your brand is being done.

  • Provide different packaging for different food items. 

Ex: Faasos

4. Social Media 

  • Create your brand’s page on various social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, etc
  • Grow your brand on social media platforms by posting unique content and testimonials.

These help in audience engagement. More audience = More brand value

5. Website

  • Having a personal website helps people know more about your brand.
  • Also, the personal website helps in marketing. Customers can easily refer others to visit your website and order food.
  • It also helps you get more sales.

Ex: Behrouz Biriyani

I hope this article helped you in getting clarity on how to do proper branding of your cloud kitchen. Follow these steps and start setting up your first ever cloud kitchen brand as soon as possible. If the blog is worth enough to read, then do give a thumbs up and share it with your mates. And do comment below your feedback!